David and Dennis celebrate Christmas - Anna Maria Kuppe - E-Book

David and Dennis celebrate Christmas E-Book

Anna Maria Kuppe

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David and Dennis are very excited because Christmas is just around the corner. Shortly before Christmas Eve, the two white cats visit a Christmas market, buy a Christmas tree with their mum, write a wish list and look forward to the presents. Will the two brothers get gifts? David has always nonsens in his mind and Dennis tells the Christmas story. Many wonderful and funny stories about Christmas. Everyone agrees: Christmas is a celebration of love and joy.

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Seitenzahl: 32

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David and Dennis

Celebrate a loving Christmas with the two white cats

It's finally Christmas again.

David and Dennis are very excited because they can hardly wait to see what gifts are on the gift table this time. Suddenly they hear noises. It rustles here, it rustles there…

Dennis doesn't think twice: “The rustling comes from the bedroom.”

“Hey, what's going on there?” David can no longer stand here. With a huge leap he jumps down from the highest point of the scratching post.

“Come on, let's just open the door!” David nudges his brother. “I really need to know what's going on behind that door.”

With a wink, he signals his brother and he is right in front of the bedroom door.

“I can't get there!” The doorknob is simply too high for little David.

No problem! Once Dennis jumps up and the door is already open.

Little David is happy and cheers: “Great! You did great. How does it look here?”

David and Dennis can't believe their eyes. There are many gift packages lying on the floor.

Sometimes small, sometimes big. What's in there?

“Oh, oh, oh!”, screams the cat mom and is not very enthusiastic. “What are you two doing in my bedroom?”

“We? Oh, we just want to take a look!” David grins mischievously. “And why us? We are now completely innocent of this disorder here.”

“That's right”, grins Dennis, “this time we're not responsible for the whole mess.”

“Hm, that can be changed quickly.”

The little David hops onto the bed in a flash and enjoys the loud rustling of the wrapping paper.

And that red ribbon in front of his nose...

Well, this ribbon could be wonderfully thrown around.

Little David doesn't want to take his new toy out of his paws so easily, he likes it too much.

He just loves that red bow!

“Not! Caution! There's also a pair of scissors! This is not for children and not for kittens!”

Worried, the cat mom grabs the scissors. She can never really know what her little David might do in the next few minutes.

“Oh Mum, don't stress yourself out so much.” David's whiskers rise and fall. He winks mischievously at his cat mom.

She tenderly strokes her darling's head and Dennis also gets a loving stroke. “Oh, nobody just can't be angry at our little David for long. But please, always be careful. Do you hear, children?”

David tilts his head to the side: “Sure, mum.”

Dennis is very considerate and asks his brother: “Come on, let's leave mum to pack up.”

Slightly grumpy, David gives in. “Okay, okay, let's just pick something new to play with.”

When the two white cats want to leave the room, they are met by a pungent smell. “Hm, that doesn't exactly smell like delicious food”, the little gourmet notes. After all, David is an expert and knows his way around delicacies.

Dennis wrinkled his nose and sniffed: “Yeah, that stinks!”

“Oh! No! My cookies!” shouts the cat mom loud.

She quickly runs into the kitchen, where it is already smoking heavily. The poor cat mom is horrified to find out that her cookies didn't turn out so well.

She wanted to bake at least a hundred cookies…

There should be different varieties, for example angel eyes, shortbread cookies, cinnamon stars, coconut macaroons...

“Hey, there's a lot going on in the kitchen, let's have a look.”

David and Dennis follow their mum, who is just pulling the hot tray out of the oven.

“Thank God, mum didn't get burned.” Dennis lovingly strokes his mum's legs and comforts her a little.

The two white cats leave the kitchen voluntarily because the smell is really unbearable.

David smells no delicious chicken. Unfortunately, that's not on the menu today.