David and Dennis travel the world - Anna Maria Kuppe - E-Book

David and Dennis travel the world E-Book

Anna Maria Kuppe



In their dreams, David and Dennis go on a world tour. The two white cats learn a lot about the countries around the world. The landmark, capital city and national dish are presented in little stories. Amusing, loving and educational at the same time. A learning and reading pleasure for the whole family!

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This book is dedicated to my beloved cats David and Dennis.

I will never forget their infinitely great love.

Hello, we are David and Dennis.

In our dreams we travel the world.

Have fun!

Table of contents











South Africa




New Zealand




Fiji Islands

United States of America



Great Britain






Biography of the author



Their first destination is Holland, which lies on the North Sea. The symbol of the country are the numerous windmills.

"Wow!” David looks at his brother. "These big things have a lot of power when the wind blows."

"These big things are called windmills", explains Dennis and smiles at David.

"Great, that's fun. I would love to sit on these wings. Yeah! You could see everything much better from above." The little David is constantly thinking about what else he could do.

"No, please don't do that. This is too dangerous." Dennis lovingly watches over his brother so that he doesn't do too much nonsense.

"Come on, let's move on. Everything looks so colorful." Dennis wants to distract his brother a bit. Who knows what else the little joker is up to?

"Hey, there are flowers. A lot of flowers." David raises his nose to the wind and sniffs. His sweet little nose goes up and down. “That smells good!”

"Yes, these are tulips. They are very popular in Holland. This is an idyllic piece of nature." Dennis ecstatically puts his little head to the side.

"Oh, we're in Holland." David laughs mischievously. "The name sounds a bit strange."

"You can also say Netherlands. Holland and the Netherlands are the same country." Dennis heard that somewhere.

"Why can you say Holland first and then Netherlands again?" That would interest David.

Dennis was very careful. "Holland is what most people say, but in the Netherlands itself there are two provinces. On the one hand North Holland, on the other South Holland."

"Ah!" David waits a moment and thinks. "I like the name Holland."

Dennis smells the wonderful flowers. White, red, yellow tulips. These flowers come in a variety of colors and shapes. They are bred here and then sent to many countries.

The two white cats move on. Suddenly David`s stomach growls. "Oh, I'm hungry."

"I can hear it", laughs his brother.

"Where is something to eat here?" David asks and there is a new growl announces in his stomach.

"In Holland they eat cheese. Much cheese. Gouda, Edam. That's most of the products here in the country."

Dennis looks around. "There's a cheese factory. Come on, let's go."

"Cheese?” David is a little skeptical. "How does that taste?"

"Good. We can taste the cheese." Dennis marches on in the direction of the cheese factory.

"Phew, that stinks!" David grimaces. He's not picky, but now he has to turn his nose up. "Ooh, I don't like that."

Dennis means: "Come on, that tastes really good."

And David hesitates: "Well, I can really try that."

“The cheese has holes!” David looks mischievously through the many openings in the cheese in front of him. "Hello!"

"It's Leerdammer or Maasdamer, that's what this cheese is called", explains Dennis.

David stands behind the cheese. “It's funny, it doesn't stink at all like the other one over there."

Dennis continues with interest. "Come on, here is milk. Do you want something to drink?” He looks questioningly at his brother.

But David doesn't want that. "No thanks." He waves his paw and walks on.

David needs to think: "But I think we're in a cheese factory here. Why do they have milk here?"

Dennis can also explain this: "You need milk to produce cheese. This is important. Everything is made creamier with it."

"Understandable”, David thinks. Then he discovers something new. There's a piece of bread in the corner. He is very curious: "Why is there still bread here?"

Dennis unfortunately has to pass. "No idea. Maybe around to taste the cheese on the bread. It can be."

Now both arrived outside and sniff the fresh air.

"Oh, that's much better. It doesn't smell that bad here. Do they eat anything else in Holland?" David loves to eat.

"The national dish is called Stamppot and consists of mashed potatoes, Vegetables, smoked ham sausage and fried onions”, knows Dennis.

"It probably tastes good, but is not available here." David is a little bit disappointed.

“Then we'll drive to the capital, Amsterdam, where this meal is served definitely”, suggests Dennis.

"Good idea, but how do we get to Amsterdam now?" David would like to try everything.

Dennis means: "By bicycle. The Dutch like to use it. There, look, the lady has a nice bike."

From afar, Dennis saw a nice lady riding her bike to the market.

David marvels. This woman has a bonnet on her head and wears very strange shoes.

"What is it?" Stunned, he looks at her clogs. David has to see that up close. "And people can walk in those shoes?"

The two cats rent a bike from a bike rental shop. Panting, the two reach Amsterdam. Oh, a bike tour can be very exhausting.

David and Dennis find a small, cozy restaurant by the water. There are many bridges and boats here. David watches the hustle and bustle on the river.

"These are the canals of Amsterdam. Many tourists go on excursion boats that have a glass roof." Even Dennis enjoys the wonderful view.

Lost in thought, David looks at the water. He can't get the circling blades of the windmill out of his head. "It's nice here in Holland. What else is there to see in Holland?" David finds it all very exciting.

And his brother knows the answer: "Den Haag for example. This is a town near the coast. The royal family has its seat of government here. Paleis Noordeinde. And if you love the coast, there is the beautiful holiday resort of Scheveningen on the North Sea. You can fly a kite on the beach there." Dennis heard that as a child told it.

And he thinks of something else. "If you are looking for a souvenir to take home, Delft may be the right place for you. The famous blue porcelain has been made in Delft since the 17th century."

"Are we going there now?" David secretly wishes he wouldn't have to get on a bike again.

"No, we don't have time for that. We want to see something of the world. Maybe next time."

"Phew, lucky", David thinks. "How nice that my wish is fulfilled so quickly."

The two cats move on to the next country. David and Dennis say goodbye with a polite "Daag". That means goodbye in Dutch.


"Oh, what's that little man doing over there?" David points in horror to a figure standing in a corner.

Dennis laughs: "That's Manneken Pis, a boy urinating."

Normally David isn't a prude, but that's not possible! He can't believe it: This little thing is just standing in a corner doing his little business. "I should do that!"

Dennis can explain it: "You can say that again, but this statue is the symbol of Brussels."

With a slightly wrinkled forehead, David looks at this little figure. "But that doesn't matter, you don't do something like that."

Dennis smiles: "Yes, but this little man is very much admired. Sometimes this statue is disguised, for example at international football matches. Then they put the Belgium football shirt on this little guy or Elvis Presley on birthdays."

David turns around, shaking his head. "Oh, fashion makes this male too. But if this is art..."

His brother knows even more: "In Belgium, people love this statue very much. Many people come here to see Manneken Pis."

"So, so, we're in Belgium", David states.

"Yes", replies Dennis and points with his right paw to a place. "Look, this is the Grote Markt (Big Market). This square is a tourist attraction in Brussels. The city hall is located on this market square. In the evening the facades are illuminated. A flower market is held on the square on weekdays."

Suddenly David discovers a chocolate shop. The window of this shop is decorated with chocolates and other delicacies. “Hmm, that looks delicious.” David actually loves hearty food, but he also likes chocolate.

"Come on, let's buy chocolates. It would be a shame if they were left in the shop window." Dennis doesn't say no, because he is a very sweet one.

David's mouth is full of chocolate. He smacks his lips and Dennis hardly understands a word. But Dennis also understands his brother and explains everything about the country and its people to him.

"Belgium is located on the North Sea and is a country in Western Europe. The country borders the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg and France. Different languages are spoken in the capital Brussels. Dutch is spoken in the north thanks to the Flemings. Through the Walloons in the south, French is more common. In the east, for example, High German is spoken."

David nods and he is delighted because he understands that his brother is very clever. "Do you know any other cities in Belgium?"

"Yes of course. Belgium has many beautiful cities, for example Knokke-Heist, Bredene, De Panne, Niewport, Oostende and Bruges. The city of Bruges is called the Venice of the North. Or Antwerp, there is one of the largest seaports in the world."

Suddenly both stand in front of a gigantic building.

"What is it? There's a lot of bullets." David is impressed. This structure is 102 meter high.

"This is the Atomium," says Dennis. "There are 9 so-called atoms. These 9 balls each have a diameter of 18 meters.

6 balls are accessible. You can reach them by escalators. These escalators are up to 35 meters long. There are 20 connecting passages between the spheres."

Dennis could have become a teacher. Under no circumstances does he want to lecture his brother. He just wants to help that everything is better understood. But that doesn't mean that David is stupid. No, no. But for these stories, he took on that role.

This automium makes David astonish. "Wow, that's a big thing." But he just wouldn't be David if he didn't think about a little bite to eat.

"Do people in Belgium eat anything else than chocolate?"