David and Dennis on the trail of nature - Anna Maria Kuppe - E-Book

David and Dennis on the trail of nature E-Book

Anna Maria Kuppe

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The cat brothers David and Dennis get to know the beauty of nature. Whether in the garden, by the sea, in the mountains, on the farm or in the forest, the two of them encounter living creatures and products from nature. Of course, little David is always quite curious and his brother patiently answers his questions. Lovingly designed illustrations provide the content of each stories again. Child-friendly and educational.

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Seitenzahl: 36

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Table of contents

Mom's Garden

Grandma's favorite place

It's quite windy by the sea

When it rains in the mountains

The stones of the river

Today is market day

Visit to the farm

With your eyes open through the forest

Biography of the author

More David and Dennis books

The two white cat brothers David and Dennis discover many beautiful things in nature.

Little David often asks questions that his brother is happy to answer.

Mom`s Garden

The two cat brothers David and Dennis live in a beautiful white house with a red roof.

Behind the house, their cat mom has lovingly planted a garden with flowers, fruit and vegetables.

Like every morning, David and Dennis are walking through the garden today. They have to check whether their mom is doing everything right.

David stops in front of the lettuce patch and looks down. There's a brown something creeping through the salad.

He asks curiously. “Who are you?”

But this little animal doesn't respond and moves very slowly.

“You’re a lot slower than me.” David remarks with a smile.

“That’s a snail.” He hears his brother say and Dennis knows even more: “You know, snails really like to eat salads. Mom has to be very careful that they don’t eat the lettuce before it can be harvested.”

“Wow, the lettuce is supposed to taste good without seasoning?”

The little gourmet doesn't understand that, because after all, his mom won't eat the salad without herbs, vinegar and oil.

“Yes, not only that”, says Dennis, “a garden and planting is a lot of work. But it’s worth Mom always says, because everything is nice and fresh and you just know where the things come from.”

David completely agrees with his brother. “That’s right.” Curious, he continues to explore the lovingly landscaped garden.

In addition to the lettuce, the cat mother has planted other fruit and vegetables, such as carrots, radishes, beans and strawberries.

Of the fine carrots you can only see the green part sticking out at the top.

David thinks that it doesn't look particularly nice and certainly doesn't belong there.

Spontaneously he decides to pull out this strange green.

Now he can already hear the warning voice of his cat mother: “What are you doing again? Oh, dear! You really have nonsense in your head. Why do you just pull out the carrots? No, no, that’s not a weed!”

“Oh! Just thought I could help!” And he’s offended and his mom sees the “Oh, I’m a little angry” wrinkle on his forehead.

She leans down to her darling and strokes his little head: “You know, I used to do that with my grandpa in the garden. Oh dear, my grandfather scolded me quite badly. Then I got my own little piece of the garden and everything was fine.”

David can't help but grin mischievously: “You see, Mom, you weren't any different than me. Maybe I can get my own piece of garden too?”

Smiling, he continues his tour of the beautiful garden and discovers red apples just lying on the lawn.

“Why are they on the ground? That can't possibly be right. But I won’t touch them, otherwise mom will scold me again.”

David moves on stubbornly.

But Dennis knows his brother very well and he tries to explain everything to him. “The apples come from the apple trees that are next to the house. Grandma once said that these trees were already here when she bought the property.”

“Ah, these apple trees are very old. Much older than grandma”, David states.

Before he can ask further, little David can't believe his eyes. Apples actually fall from the tree.

“Oh, oh, I’d better get to safety”, he thinks and quickly jumps to the side.

“That’s a thing. The apples almost fall on your head. It’s really dangerous living there, isn’t it?”

The next moment he hears a somewhat strange noise from the back corner of the garden and discovers a small animal on a flower in the water.

This green animal croaks and croaks and croaks. Oh dear!!!

“Do you understand what this little something says?” He asks his brother in surprise, who happily answers him again:

“It’s a frog.”

David frowns slightly. "Aha. And what does a frog eat?”