David, Dennis and the fairies - Anna Maria Kuppe - E-Book

David, Dennis and the fairies E-Book

Anna Maria Kuppe

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The little fairies Aurelia, Ava and Lilibet live in a far away land. Everyone is happy, but why are the three fairies always so sad? David and Dennis don't look away. But can the two white cats help them? A magical story about true friends.

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Seitenzahl: 26

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Where we are?

Who lives here?

Lilibet has worries

Why is Ava crying?

Aurelia wants revenge

How can we help?

Thanks so much David and Dennis

Biography of the author

David and Dennis

Where we are?

David and Dennis have been living on a cloud for a few years and look down to earth to intervene in time if people or animals need help. But what is that?

They only knew the twinkling stars around them, but what opened up before their eyes looked wonderful.

David asks his brother. “Wow, just look down there, everything is blooming lush green, the birds are colorful, much more colorful than on earth. Do you know this place?”

Dennis looks amazed at the wonderful nature that is brighter and more radiant than anything he has ever seen.

“No, I don't know that either.”

The little David always wants to know everything exactly and so he decides to take a closer look.

“Let`s go and see what that is. It would be laughable if we didn`t find out where we are.”

David and Dennis enter an unknown country.

“Look at this. That's great!”

Even before the two white cats can see everything, a bird perched on a thin branch chirps to them: “Hello, hello, you little cats. What brings you to us?”

“Hey! Do you have to scare someone like that?” asks David, who isn’t usually all that scared, and winces. “Who are you, little colorful bird?”

The bird raises its feathers. “Well, they call me Mister August Rainbow.” He tilts his head back vainly.

“You're not conceited at all,” counters David.

His brother nudges him from the side. “Leave him alone.”

“No, he's fluffing himself up like that. You know I don't like it.” And David raises his eyebrows.

The colorful bird hisses cynically: “Do you even know what Mister Rainbow means?”

“Sure.” David replies quickly and look to his brother, who always knows so much.

“Yes, of course we know that!” And Dennis lists what comes to his mind.

“Mister is the name of a man, a rainbow has many bright colors and you were probably born in August.”

David smiles mischievously. “We know something like that! You're amazed, you little bird.” His whiskers wiggle back and forth from his grin.

“Well, but you don't know all the colors of a rainbow, do you?” says Mister August Rainbow, slightly sour, because he likes to be in charge by himself.

Dennis replies in a flash: “But of course we know that too. The colors of the rainbow are red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple.”

Now Mister Rainbow can't add anything else, otherwise he would have to admit that he underestimated the two little cats, as he called them.

“Now he can`t talk stupid things anymore?” whispers the little David in his brother's ear and can hardly suppress a broad grin.

David spots another colorful bird sitting on the log next to them. “Oh, look, there's another little bird. Who is that?”