Flugsi, the little bat - Michael Schönberg - E-Book

Flugsi, the little bat E-Book

Michael Schönberg

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Flugsi, the little bat Adventures around her life, complemented by colourful illustrations. In every picture there are small bugs built in, which you will find very quickly. And there are sketches for each story that you can certainly colour in.

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Michael Schönberg

Flugsi, the little bat

dventures around her life, complemented by colourful illustrations.BookRix GmbH & Co. KG81371 Munich

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Michael Schönberg


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The German National Library lists this publication in the German National Library. Detailed bibliographical data is available on the Internet at http://www.dnb.de

Reproduction or duplication is only permitted with the author's permission. Use or distribution by unauthorized third parties in all printed, audiovisual media is prohibited. No liability for typographical and printing errors. All rights reserved. Ratingen, March 2018



German First Publication

Text: Michael Schoenberg

Cover image/illustrations: Gabriele Merl

Editing: Wiebke Worm

Editor: Michael Schönberg





the little Bat.

Adventures around his life,

which were supplemented by colorful illustrations.

In each picture small errors are built in,

that you're sure to find quickly.

And there are sketches for every story,

you can imagine.









The content:


Flugsi is born

Flugsi can see

Flugsi learns to fly

Flugsi at school

Flugsi lands on a branch

Flugsi wants to play football

Flugsi is trapped

Flugsi and the growling lion

Flugsi and therace

Flugsi wants to see the sun













Flugsi is born.

Mommy Bat said to Daddy Bat one night: "We're getting a little bat."

Daddy Bat was so happy that he flew around the cave cheering and told everyone that they would soon have offspring.

Some time later, a bat boy was born. Tiny and yet already full of energie for action.

Hardly in the world did the little one crawl along his mother's belly.

Not so easy for a midget no bigger than a fingernail. And completely naked and blind. It was only because of his pink skin that he could be seen. Inch for Inch he fought his way up. He didn't know why he wanted to climb up. But something drove him and so he set off on the arduous path.

As tiny as he was, he had quickly overcome his mother's abdominal crease. For a while he only hung his fingers on her skin and threatened to fall off.

He cried for her to help him, but she held on to the ceiling of the cave and could not help him. She kept shouting: "You can do it, my little one. Come on, you can do it."

The calls from the little bat had their very own voice pitch and height. The mother remembered that. Thus she could later distinguish her son from the other bat children.

Hundreds of bats lived in the cave with their children, all calling for their mothers. The mothers had to listen carefully when their child called them.

While his mother was busy with the voice of her offspring, the little one managed to get to the mother's teat with extreme exertion. Once there, he sucked himself to his breast and drank his mama's milk completely exhausted.

When Daddy Bat came home, he saw his little son. He proudly looked at him from all sides. Mama Fledermaus told him how quickly he had fought his way up.

"What do you say we call him Flugsi because he crawlet up so fast?"

Dad liked this name and the little bat got the name: Flugsi. From morning to night, Flugsi drank Mom's milk and got bigger and bigger.

All the neighbours and relatives saw how big and strong he became. His pink skin glowed in the darkness of the cave.

The body of all the other bat children had darkened week after week, but not yet of Flugsi.

He still shone pink and was the pride of the Familia.




Do you find the mistake in the picture?