Who will save Tricolour Country - Angie Pfeiffer - E-Book

Who will save Tricolour Country E-Book

Angie Pfeiffer

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Every morning, just before sunrise, King Fabulus from Tricolour Country climbs to the highest pinnacle of his castle and raises his red, yellow and blue ringed magic wand. Then a thick beam of paint is released from its tip, bringing the colours to the people. But one day wizard Shadowraven steals the magic wand. He cannot stand bright colours and wants the whole world to look grey. Immediately, King Fabulus takes off in a hot air balloon to retrieve the wand. He soon finds out that three children from Tricoulor Country have smuggled themselves into his balloon. They want to help the King to get back the wand.

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For Charlotte and Jakob, for Leo, Lia and Max and for all grandchildren that are still being given to me.

Table of Contents

Chapter one,in which the world is made colourful

Chapter two,which tells of red, blue and yellow people

Chapter three,where an accident happens

Chapter four,in which King Fabulus makes a decision

Chapter five,in which the King gives a speech

Chapter six,where there is a surprise

Chapter seven,where the desert is teeming with animals

Chapter eight,in which lemon cake and apple juice are served

Chapter nine,where there are voracious seagulls

Chapter ten,in which the balloon arrives in the eternal ice

Chapter eleven,in which a talking owl is told

Chapter twelve,in which the King and the children get to know Sammy

Chapter thirteen,in which Shadowraven hurls lightning

Chapter fourteen,in which all colours are given to the people

Chapter one, in which the world is made colourful

A long time ago there were only three other colours in the world besides black and white, namely red, blue and yellow.

This was due to a very special place called Tricolour Country. The King of the land was called Fabulus. To be precise, he was called Fabulus the Thirteenth, because he was the thirteenth Fabulus to be King of the Tricolour Country. He was especially proud of his long beard, which had red, yellow and blue stripes. King Fabulus was also a powerful magician who used the magic of his wand to spread the three colours all over the rest of the world, thus making them colourful.

Every morning, just before sunrise, King Fabulus would go up to the highest pinnacle of his castle.

He waves the red, blue and yellow wand high above his head.

Then the wand shone especially brightly. A red, blue and yellow striped, thick ray came out of its tip, almost like lightning in a really heavy thunderstorm. This beam shot up into the air, almost to the sky. From there it spread out in all directions. Then, when the sun rose in the ordinary world, the colours were all over the place.

While people didn't notice, Fabulus still stood on the highest pinnacle of his castle and smiled contentedly. And he could, because without him and the magic of his wand, there would have been only black and white in the world.

Tricolour Country was completely hidden and therefore difficult to find. To get there, you had to walk through the most desolate of deserts. There were only particularly prickly cacti and nasty shifting dunes, which constantly showed up somewhere else to mislead and confuse the traveller in such a way that he no longer knew in which direction to go.

Once you had crossed the desolate desert, you came to the foot of a huge mountain range. The mountains were so high, they seemed to bump into the sky. A narrow path led the hiker steeply uphill to a glittering glacier. One had to cross it and then climb over the highest peak. Once you had done that, a lovely valley lay in front of you:

The land of three colours, Tricolour Country!

It consisted of three parts, each separated by a magical boundary of thick chalk lines. People never crossed this border. There was the Redland, the Blueland and the Yellowland and in each of them there was only one colour.