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If you want Jesus Christ to exist, you must act like Jesus Christ. And if you want heaven to exist, you must create it. And if you want immortality, you must make yourselves immortal. And if you want the judgement day to come, you must raise the deads back to life to judge them.
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024
The Antichrist
On the Doom of Christianity
The Antichrist
On the Doom of Christianity
This book was translated by Google, errors are possible. The original, german title is: Der Antichrist – Zum Untergang des Christentums.
wilke designs
Kalkumer Feld 21
40699 Erkrath
ISBN: 9783759279378
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© wilke designs
If you want Jesus Christ to exist, you must act like a Christ. And if you want heaven to exist, you must create it. And if you want immortality, you must make yourselves immortal. And if you want the judgement day to come, you must raise the deads back to life to judge them.
1- The Jews should actually have a great fate ahead of them, because they have educated half of humanity so far. Christianity and Islam are cheap copies of their world. Although some people would say that Islam and Christianity were a rebellion against them.
2- Jesus, supposedly Christ, is no longer the salt of the earth; Christianity has developed into a strange aftertaste, which is strange, rather than improving all foods at the same time.
3- Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." Everyone turns and looks at each other questioningly, "But not if you're homosexual?"
4- It is simply bad that Europe, no, Christianity, Russia and America on top of that, have never noticed that their customs around the concept of madness are simply imperfect, complicit and bad. Yes, cruelly wrong. Christianity has created a culture around the mad, an ethos that is unbearable. Such a lawless, imprecise and rotten state of law and custom, perhaps it would be good to burn down the whole building, take a fresh look at the chaos and make everything new.
5- The moral defect of societies is psychology itself; apart from this defect, the only question that remains is whether a society can maintain and expand its economy in a meaningful way, which created the pre-modern psychology of Christianity.racism, it taught nonsense after nonsense about the damned, the sick, the abnormal soul and the heathens. Then came its opponents, the new ideologies, communism, democracy and other socialisms. For the sake of completeness, every ideology presents a psychology. The biologism of the born criminal, only in National Socialism, when they saw piles of corpses, did they realize: "Something is wrong." Cesare Lombroso, the whole psychiatry of biologism, the eugenicists, as a detail of psychology, up to Hitler himself, that had happened, and then anti-Semitism from the Middle Ages. And the communists did the same thing under different banners. Because! They are also ex-Christians, you have to understand the causality of the masses to history. Psychology creates images of good and evil, illness and health; the victims who are forced to become ill without even being ill, they are norm deviants, poor or sexually destroyed, these become enemies of society and are in turn harassed, devalued and stigmatized by society, so that the suffering becomes endless, so that the suffering creates new forms of "mental injury", basically individual, quite random crippling of metabolism, nerves and neurology in general, sometimes due to external stresses that were itself created by psychology as a society, psychology creates archetypes of indignity and throws these at the people, whoever it affects! And, always, always, a world ends and then they stand there and say: "Psychology!" Suddenly others are psychology again. And if the concept of psychology were erased? Impossible, every society develops a mixture of the facts of what the mind is and the commands of what is good and evil. And who is the evil one that they are tormenting, isolation, locking up, paternalism, economic stunting, exploitation, wrong education etc. but when that has happened, then the evil ones that have burned the brightest will be the reason for a new society anda new psychology. They, the martyrs, our current martyrs are in truth the Jews who died in the Holocaust, and every country has its victims, people who were tortured to death in the Gulag, in prison, in camps in general or in closed hospitals. But what the world still needs to wake up to the core of the problem...
6- Evil is evil, people want it, to have a reason for hatred, violence, victimization, exclusion, murder and manslaughter. And what do they do it on? On what they call evil. Look at the Nazis and Stalinists, they believed that the Jews were evil. Look at Christianity, they believed that the heathens were evil. Evil! And in almost every big city and every country, the neighbor is mocked as evil. And wherever poverty, otherness, vulnerability arises, they see evil again, because they can easily strike, accuse, exploit and destroy the defenseless.
7- The funniest thing about it is when someone who is badly influenced by utilitarianism says: "The meaning of life is happiness." How funny people are then, because even the escape from this idea is an attempt to make themselves happy. And all suffering is the nonsense of life, a story that one likes to hear. The nihilism in them, which is actually quite "old German", wants the meaning of life to be incomprehensible, the logician wants meaning to be mathematical, and the religious person, who is again like an ancient nihilist, again says that one shouldn't want to know that. Or the latter is so clever and says: "No, Jesus is the meaning of life." Or worse: "Buddha is the meaning of life." "Or Allah?"
8- Psychiatric mannerism is the mythology of nihilism. Better that than Christian psychiatry, but fundamentally all religious elements are a disorder.
9- The church has betrayed Jesus, but without him it is nothing. So they still have to learn to finally do the right thing, but they don't even know what that is. Their world is rigid and solid, consolidated over a thousand years. The stairs are rotten, the gold is pale, the towers are old, dreams are destroyed. Who still feels these works of art that the church offers us? Who still feels value in them?
10- The psychiatrist among the emotions of the diagnosis: "Every religion is a disorder." "But you have a Buddha sitting there." "I don't mean me, I mean you." "Like me?" "No, all of your kind." "My whole species?"
11- "The images of religions are the reflection of the history of madness, the illusions, hallucinations are even protagonists of religion." An all too German person bitterly objects: "That is only the case with the Jewish religions, and also with their copies and modifications, Christianity and Islam, but there are religions that are based on reason, and these simply have to be possible. Even if they have been so indoctrinated with what religion is that it is inconceivable for them to ever see an existential meaning in a world view."
12- All the sexual problems of Christianity, people from other cultures laugh about them, but a Mr. Freud sits there as if he were a world prophet, even though his head is being riddled with lice by his homeland.
13- Regarding Nietzsche's anti-Semitism, I feel that anti-Semitism simply follows the counter-fairy tale of what Christianity, which forbade interest, has thought since the Middle Ages, and also of the opposition of the National Socialist conspiracy theories to Judaism. Nietzsche simply sees that anti-Semites are poor, broken people who envy money. So, it is in this malice, affirming power, that the character of anti-Semitism first comes into play. Hitler never tolerated Nietzsche to that point, the Germans never incorporated this into their thinking about Nietzsche. They only heard him praise them and deleted all criticism.
14- What Buddha found when he saw poverty, death and illness for the first time, he became enlightened and saw that life is an unfair, painful, and probably worthless state in itself. But he did not kill himself, he treated his depression with meditation and fasting. And his whole philosophy still wanted to escape from reincarnation, who knows what he thought about escaping all reincarnations, the sects that attacked him changed the content of his views anyway. Nirvana never comes to the world as a whole, it is a fleeting state, in a few people, existing for a short time, but always fragile and brittle, itself sick, poor and mortal. Heaven is never distributed fairly, it only exists for a few people, of course, often those who do not deserve it. Look at how rich Stalin lived, the monster lived in heaven. And heaven is always fleeting, sometimes it waits at the bottom of a whiskey bottle, stays there for a few hours, sometimes it is not even there.
15- Christianity is to blame, the whole sex deprivation story,until you get sick, and then you definitely don't have sex anymore because you're sick. A monster like Sigmund Freud had yet to come along, a mystery, making a business out of the fact that the German-speaking world is mentally ill when it comes to sex.
16- You don't recognize a typical German asshole by whether he's right or left, but by the dirt he feels when someone is uncomfortable. The whole isolation of poverty, anger, even education and truth, where uncomfortable, the German calls himself psychiatry. A person doesn't laugh, so his skull opens and a psychiatry clown comes out, believing that he is the prerogative of reason, medicine, and even of goodness: a thousand years of patient hunting, in the name of Christian salvation or clean blood. That's German. And who is a patient, without measurement, facts of natural science, the uncomfortable, the unpleasant person. I don't give a damn about my homeland! It should get what it deserves.
17- In Eurasia, a divided reality has developed over the last few centuries. Christianity and atheism have created a schizophrenic perception of the world and a defective ethics. The continuum of values is a shattered apparatus in which left and right have no definition. The most fundamental principles of ethics have been deleted, while citizens choose good and evil as they find most comfortable. Some love their country until it becomes a disease. Some hate the rich until it becomes a disease. Some hate religion until it becomes a disease. Some hate the poor and consider poverty itself a crime. Some love their religion until it becomes a disease. And the whole chaos is kept sane or unleashed by the state alone.
18- Perhaps there is an unconscious anti-Semitism at work in the Germans, it is embedded in atheism and cannot believe that mathematics is all-powerful, as creator, steering wheel of the world and discipline that exercises a living being. Every birth of the old Christian hopes itself has an internal effect of malaise. In the lower rooms of the habitual morals of thought, the German believes that every religion is an illness. Medicine is used to arbitrarily establish that religion is a weakness, a disorder, a stupidity. The nature of man, who has created and experienced religion in all ages, is betrayed; the healthy is perceived as illness and the sick as reason.
19- The overestimation of oneself from the 60s to today: "We have invented the new world. From us on, man has only known infallibility and love in one garment." Commercial formulas find their way, the sale of intoxication and illusion. The hippie as the rebirth of the Dionysian. Evil becomes holy again. Only a postmodern Christian can believe that he is the liberation of sexuality. Liberation from what? From Christianity. But what has been in the Christian since the Middle Ages remains. The belief that all religions are a lower form of the spirit, an illness and a disorder. A subliminal feeling of unease is at work, the sum of all ethical formulas slips away from the skeptical striving for freedom. Then there is the friendship with communism, who ever decided that? That this mass murderer is a friend of the hippies? Social capitalism would have been it. Democracy is freedom, equality and free opinion. Communism wants equality of ownership, in which no one owns more, everyone should own equally, a form of nonsense,Madness, a point of view that is not even a utopia, but something more stupid and false. How is everyone supposed to get what they deserve in wages? How is the employer supposed to develop and why should he still want to be one? Why should anyone even strive for performance? What would be the point of it all? The unconditional basic income would perhaps work, but only if communism lived out its sadistic, greedy political disorders and its hostility to human rights far, far away.
20- The mathematics that generates the ego. - When I look into the subconscious, I no longer expect Freudian words, symbols and descriptions - I believe that the most brutal mathematics in the world puts our ego together. Numbers are immortal, but everything they put together is mortal. And our psychology will die out if we don't finally think mathematically and logically from the soul. The ego is not a creature of a Jewish god, a Christian god, an Islamic god, a Buddhist god or a Hindu god; even the "god of communism" and the godlessness of atheism or genetic narcissism are not enough to explain the ego. It is a creature built from a logic that is alien to us; an unknown mathematics that causes our mathematics in the first place is at work there. It creates the mind that can think, speak and calculate.
21- In nomen Christi. - Vulgar: "Bread and games for the people." Behind the quote was never mentioned, nor: "Prostitutes and drugs for the people." So, that was the real Roman who still knew Bacchus. At the beginning, Bacchus was simply everything religious wiped away: the leisure activities of adults. That was so bad, it goes far beyond the tolerance of modern people.Everything that was sexually conceivable was legal. There, there I find a place where I understand the meaning of Christianity. It taught us to fear sexuality, it raised us to be more moral. But now, for over a thousand years we have done penance and lived in renunciation. Only to exaggerate there too. So back, the whole of sociology has to go back a few steps in order to find the right balance.
22- Madness and society. - Is it true that Michel Foucault only told the story of the Christian assessment of the meaning of madness, up to the emergence of Christian or irreligious psychiatry. The actual history of madness as people's idea of a mental illness was, with a few exceptions in antiquity, demonology up until the modern era of the Western world, after which it became a new form of character assassination, i.e. a bureaucratic mechanism of morality, a simplification, a chaos of things that were considered morally reprehensible or logically confused, also the phobic exaggeration, reduction to the worst exceptions, which become the cliché of the thing itself, as a reaction of the citizens. The theory of temperaments or melancholy - outright nonsense or mere demonology, i.e. metaphysical nonsense. Even under Eugen Bleuler, the father of the concept of schizophrenia, no one had any idea of the biology of madness. And, there was never a mathematical doctor there, propositional logic and truth table in hand, this statement is true, this one is not. A strict true and false was never made the right thing, the term schizophrenia was also misused, by the German Empire, actually also the Weimar Republic, National Socialism, the Soviet Union, Swiss customs, in general by Communism and American democracy. But the madman is caused by a disturbance of perception, not simply by dementia and evil spirits, orStupidity often means that one is unable to distinguish between the external and internal worlds. Hallucinations potentially overlay optics and acoustics. A schizophrenic who is sceptical hears a sentence and knows that theoretically he does not know what was said. Schizophrenia is so bad for those who are nevertheless sane and who are not led astray by the hallucinations; they cannot believe their eyes or their ears. Classical psychiatry is actually keen to exploit the condition in order to define hallucinations as equivalent to madness. There is also catatonia, stupor, and all kinds of ego defects that produce different symptoms. And? This has been turned into a shooting gallery figure, worse than anti-Semitism in the Middle Ages made Jews look like. It became the ultimate definition of evil, causing social damage that, under the pressure of society, turned the lives of schizophrenics into the lives that schizophrenics have had for centuries. Without measuring IQ, taking into account education or observing actual moral behavior, without a real overview of what being sane means, an overview of basic education, everyday life and higher education, you are subjected to a cliché that simply does not explain what schizophrenia really is. The hippies are still standing around like idiots around a lie, a half-Nazi illusion of what schizophrenia is. And in Germany, everywhere in the western world, also in China, Japan and increasingly in India and Africa, the reputation of madness means exclusion, marginalization, also simply sexual annihilation, the destruction of your sexual, professional, family and reputational existence in general. A small bourgeois death, but you are not taken to a concentration camp, a gulag or a hospital with soundproof rooms and actually the status of a medical testing ground. Instead, you spend your life in isolation, and with a not insignificant probability, after you become ill, all your friends, and gradually even your family, will break off contact. In general,Eugen Bleuler was abused, he said what it was about, it was researched further, but everyone else exaggerated it and made it a rubbish bin of all the world's problems. What is madness? Communism thinks that if you have a religion, you're mad. Democracy thinks freedom of religion is important, so they don't believe that, but they believe poverty is a form of madness. Because they're capitalists. The old Christians basically believed that if you weren't a Christian, or homosexual, or sadomasochistic, you were mad. And, at the bottom of a great valley of the effect of what would be madness, the cliché madness when someone is overly concerned about their reputation - paranoia is what you feel. It's a fact that schizophrenics have to worry more about their reputation than normal people. Diagnosis and a collapse of reputation, as happened centuries ago, are significant. Paranoia is when you see the sky opening up, God coming down, flames blazing behind him and he says: "Your dignity is now over. Now even the special needs student has a reputation for being smarter than you. The homeless and the mass murderers are classified according to whether they are schizophrenic or not." This has basically become a problem for law and culture as a whole. It is about the untenable effect of the term, its effect on the dignity of the patient; psychiatry has built up a mountain of literature in the last few centuries, amassing material on the subject that is so old and bad and incomprehensible, confusing and ambiguous that no 80 million Nazis could have created more anti-Semitic agitation in ten years than around 200 years of writing doctors, angry artists and media have poured onto the stage on the subject of madness. Depressed people do not have such a bad reputation, although in the Middle Ages melancholy was a word that also denoted murder and the devil. Although depressives are more likely to commit suicide, and probably murder, than schizophrenics. But, one must be careful, in the wild, the madman would be superior to the healthy? If hea mass murderer.
23- On the origin of the concept of human in peoples and cultures up to the present day. - How bad things are for humanity. If a Jew eats a goy, that is not cannibalism. And if a German eats a non-German baby, that is not cannibalism either, but rather cross-species nutrition. And if a madman is a human, that is also the case, because the madman has not yet become a human in society. Since Benedict Morel, psychiatry has believed that the madman is an atavism, or a mutant next to the human. So it depends on which group of patients eats humans. A pre-human who eats a human is intolerable, but an epileptic or a manic depressive who eats a human is acceptable, because they are the potentially higher species. The superior animal eats a weaker one, as is the law of nature. And, if we are not careful, the schizophrenics will eat up the Germans, the Jews and all people, and even the epileptics and the depressives. This is how it has to be, because in the wild the schizophrenic, despite the potential inability to know what he really hears and does not hear or sees and does not see, is superior to the rest. This can even lead to catatonia, a schizophrenic lies down and starves to death, but since catatonia is only common in isolation anyway, the schizophrenics would have the advantage. Brutal decisions, exaggerated reactions, great fear of enemies and the world in general, lead to a warlike ideal form. Hunted through the millennia, with the gods in their ears and the angels moistening their eyes, a higher, superior species is formed. True expansion of consciousness, additional selves, as hallucinations or interchangeable characters. And, if one reaches for the highest ideals, God, all the gods, thewere not nature gods or principles of nature or principles of logic, all spirits that were not a metaphor or an allegory, all angels and demons were not beings in this world, they lived beyond this world, in the realm of hallucinations. The Jewish, Christian and Islamic prophets, the Pythia, the clairvoyance of Germanic women and Goths and Celts, the channel upwards was hallucination. Some would say: "But then, then the epileptic is in a good position, he also has hallucinations, but fewer hallucinations, not constantly, so that they create an extreme form of information chaos, but the epileptic only hallucinates occasionally. Moreover, many saints, even great politicians or artists were epileptics." "Yes, but the epileptic is simply not compelled to get rid of humanity, like the schizophrenic, the epileptic has a good reputation. The schizophrenic, on the other hand, is waiting for his holocaust. That's how bad his reputation is." Are there actually more schizophrenics in the world than Jews?
24- On the historical roots of the Western feeling that madness is: Now that Satanists are no longer raping children, but it has been noticed that in reality it is taking place in the church. Some people are already thinking: Satan is simply a good man, a moralist who is not blinded by God and lets truth come before reputation. Satan is no longer the opposite of truth, that is, of light and reason, he is no longer untruth, darkness and nonsense. He has become a mixture of Dionysus, science and the feeling of dislike for Christianity, a liberal anarchist, even a social capitalist who likes to enjoy life. But he is not a communist, he is not that stupid. Who would he be if there were no more religion? Moreover, the free market economy has been deeply rooted in him since the Greeks and Romans.Body. It is said of the god Dionysus that all the treasure chambers of the world would open to him. And that is true, they all open when sex, drugs and religious world illusions announce themselves. At first he is confused with the atheist, but his god is knowledge.
25- On the lack of rights: Jesus played the lyrical I of God, as he hoped, a kind, gentle, ever peaceful spirit of love. And they don't hear you? The lyrical I wants to be an illness, a madness.
26- There is no Christianity and no Islam, there is only the abuse of Judaism. And, if you want to be wise among them, you could still ask: "Didn't we also betray ourselves a long time ago?"
27- Cut away. - Jesus standing on the mountain: "And blessed are the whores, for who would we last men be without them."
28- Viewed from the pulpit of atheism. As for the basic rule of all religions of monotheism, one must admit that the Jews created God. The others just added a few stones and then raped the whole house. The process, the creation of the basic morals of the whole of monotheism, a Jewish work. There are no Christians, there are no Muslims, there are only thieves who have committed crimes against stolen ideals, which they have broken and twisted a thousand times before immortalizing themselves as co-creators of God. And what fantasies do Christians or Muslims have about what death is? None at all, they know nothing except the Jewish way of thinking. It is embedded indistorted images that were used to exploit Judaism as Christianity or the teachings of the Koran. Hell was certainly well developed, they did that; the Christians and the Muslims. They enlarged and expanded the devil, they drilled holes in the ground to turn all the underworlds into torture chambers. Did the Jews hate homosexuals too? Did they start a war against everything that contained pleasure, abundance and freedom? Betraying their liberation? I don't know. Somewhere between the question of which God would be better but not a Jew, or is God necessarily a Jew, and the question of what the Christians actually did with this God, you lose interest. Better to go back to the Greeks as the creators of the true God. The basis of a great cause that was greater than the Jewish God. I mean natural philosophy as the father of natural science, the art of speech, of thought as the paths to democracy, its model for existence in humanity. But, a Christian and a Muslim turn around and see: "Where is your heaven? Where did you steal it?" But, you see: "Science, what would it be without some Jews?" "But is their God the God of the Ten Commandments? Or is that the God of the philosophers?" "I hear them screaming and defending themselves. They would not necessarily be under one God." "There is only one truth and the truth is the God of the philosophers, unless they are nihilists." And where is the path to anti-nihilism if not Jewish, instead of the Ten Commandments, the symbols of mathematics alone, as a weapon, a tool, as a way to shape and conquer this world. The truth as omnipotence that must be achieved. The abundance of knowledge as God. Not a symbol, but an infinite number of numbers to capture the stars with. There were and are many devils. Why does man so quickly think he is a god among the animals? Is he not more of a devil among them?
29- On the psychology of the Nazarene. - Well, it is not a crime for which one should be crucified, but it is actually to be expected that Jesus of Nazareth and those around him practiced magic. So, that would be a logical explanation for the miracles. They were tricks, in ancient times it was common to keep religion going in the name of religion by means of tricks that were supposed to be miracles. I even heard of magnets or playing with electricity, which was not very well developed, in order to win people over to a god in temples. So why not that? Religions are like that to this day, silly magic tricks for the masses to generate believers. That is perhaps the reality about Jesus, the truth that is of course left out - tricks. But Jesus is also a work of art, a play, the birth of the perfect tragedy. The development of an ethics that wanted to become a kind of meaning for Judaism as a whole. What happened after the crucifixion, instead of the fun goings-on before, in which people were deliberately deceived but also enchanted by ethics? After that they made a cosmopolitan apparatus out of it, every century on and on. Until all people could be Jews. But somehow they don't notice that, Jesus is a Jew, but you aren't. They do the opposite, they say a Jew is not a Christian and that they are salvation. From what? In what way will they save us, from war, capital, nature, the tricks of nature. Nobody notices that salvation from death is where they have all lived out their madness. No one in their right mind held on to the ideals that would educate a child well. They were afraid of God, whatever God he was. They never dared to take on the tasks of the gods themselves. Namely not a strange moral world, between devils and God, but a school of knowledge, logic, natural science, to subject the world to free will. Not them as puppets of a cause, but as protagonists of the world. And, perhaps there is no heaven,except the heaven that we create in life. If you don't get a piece of that, how tragic, after that there is nothing more. If we don't create it, we will never be satisfied, never experience justice, never be redeemed from what the world is. But true mathematics, the mathematics of all things, is not dead, it is alive, more alive than man. And they ask themselves: "What is life? What is a dead object if it creates living beings?" They don't really understand that numbers are not dead. And can man understand their life? Who would ever turn to Jesus and say: "You won't have to greet all the dead when they are resurrected, but I will build heaven in which you can sit. And heaven needs to be well planned, but what is the most important tool of an architect?"
30- Why humanity is morally defective: All religions have tried and failed. Just consider Christianity and what circumstances prevented it from telling people what true morality is. A huge building that says "Love your neighbour or you will be tortured forever in hell", but a person would have to do a good deed and it would take him to heaven. But all for nothing, all in vain. In the end, the church itself was immorality, violence, injustice, cruelty and stupidity, and thus anti-science at the same time. No matter who tries it, democracy, communism, any ideology or army, no matter how they build it up - it will end in a broken world, with law never present, love only where reputation or at least money is still right. Unless love itself is declared a crime!
31- Hollywood and nihilism: Have you ever understood that Nietzsche was not necessarily the greatest democrat when he developed anti-nihilism? His version of nihilism is of course against Russia. Against which one? That of the nihilists. In other words, against the attempt at democracy, free thinking and detachment from church Christianity. Nietzsche experienced French religion as a fiasco, which is why Napoleon was more the direction of his heroism. But Hollywood is probably sympathetic with its praise of ancient theater. The theater of the future has great tasks, namely the place of religion! Moreover, Nietzsche also predicted a great future for democracy. But after that, only after that, the realm of anti-nihilism, an anti-Christian, anti-Buddhist masterpiece of science and truly great people.
32- They always think that in reality Jesus of Nazareth hung out with Mary Magdalene, they had sex, drank wine, he talked too much and they ate dope cookies, which later led to Jesus' psychosis, which many people liked so much. But, in reality, Jesus had no sex his whole life, drained of all strength, thirsting for physical love, even the touch of a woman, in that sense, he still hung on the cross and died. He died a virgin.
33- The tiresome nayism: Every ideology, every economic concept is doomed to failure, every religion is wrong. Man is disappointed, Jesus is not the Messiah, Yahweh was not God, Allah is not a righteous God, the path to science has been lost. Every utopia is an escape from reality; every paradise, even the worker's paradise, the free and unfree market economy as a process of the problem and decay of nature, every heaven, even theIdeal of justice and punishment through hell - void. Ideal state, salvation within the framework of religious descriptions, void dreams without foundation and exit to reality. Love as an unattainable ideal, but as a non-ideal, love as a form of dependency, pain or reproduction, it is not a concept on which a state can stand. There is no state of love. Also justice in general as a utopian concept without a clear definition, worse than a concept whose definitions exclude each other. Likewise the core of knowledge as mere belief and opinion. No science achieves a form of truth, a world statement that is true, from which the world can be derived. At the other end of science, psychology as compulsive pedagogy or jurisprudence, not as objectivity. All psychology is the delusion of people to have thought of the mind, the self, the soul through the mind, the self, the soul; there is no solid material in the matter, except that of neurologists. Psychology is a command of etiquette, not science, every right and wrong flowing into ethics, not reaching scales, metrics, SI units; the illusions of the fantasy stages on which psychological views come to a close. Psychology lacks the objectivity of physics, physics lacks access to life, mathematics is dead. In short, all of humanity's ideas were meaningless, none of them redeemed humanity from the problem posed by man. Man as a decline or transition to something that is unknown. Man as a tortured animal, despite his intellect less free than the animals in the forest. Animals in nature have achieved more dignity than man through his form of existence in general; man is a god who lives the life of an unstable species, no tomorrow, no today safe from collapse. The answer to this is: as long as he exists, man will be a temporary injustice, this instead of being a governor of the earth, instead of giving nature a peak of meaning, man will forever wage wars and pile up mountains of corpses. EveryonePessimism mocks the idea that humanity is increasing its forms of cruelty and violence, not reducing them or abandoning them. War will grow forever, and with it all forms of the antisocial, the mean, the ethically unacceptable. There is no concept of redemption, unless a war wipes out all things, then all things would be redeemed. It remains, as has always been true, that only death is redemption from life. And all things die, are unstable, are fairy tales that have an end. A world without redemption, without exit or meaning, no goal and no light at the end of all paths, there is darkness alone. Life is a powerless mechanism of chance that will never achieve control over existence.
34- "Life is all-powerful." He blesses his world: "Life is infinitely gracious and infinitely full of goodness and meaning." Life is all-powerful, if you believe it, that's like Christianity or any god who serves his purpose to some extent, it's enough to get through a hard night. Life is all-powerful, there are infinitely many ways beyond the present. And if the sun should one day turn black and fall down, life will catch it and conquer all the stars.
35- After all that God has already been in philosophy, a point, an apparatus, a thing in itself, a principle, an inner form of the meaning and connection of all things, a cause without a mover, a threat of laws, a preacher of hell and a creator of prophets, how terrible that he cannot be the knowledge, the knowledge and its pinnacle, the truth itself. It is so short and corrupted, the real God, as he still has at least outlines in Zarathustra's religion, is lost. God as the opposite of science, or as the opposite of justice, how can a god be dead? God willNonsense of all things, God is the downfall of all values. But who is more to blame for the loss of meaning of God, the Jews, the Christians or Islam? Or the Catholic Church, the Americans, the Communists, etc. It doesn't matter, the collapse of the idea of a world meaning is such an abstract form of nonsense, it is impossible that man cannot establish this meaning in the present day because it has been abused to death in dozens of names, false paths and religions. The meaning of the highest values as the basic building blocks of morals has been destroyed, and anyone who still has morals with God is immoral, he is committing a crime against freedom. Christianity, Islam, etc. as diseases of progress.
36- The only thing that was basically good and true about Jesus of Nazareth was the message of peace, but this message has a catch, this radical peace of such an open heaven and such an endlessly non-warlike response ends on the cross. The rest, miracles, probably half-magical performances, agreements with others to stage a lie of miracles, the abuse of Judaism, the abuse of Christianity as Rome, a catastrophe. Basically a form of nonsense that had to end in nonsense, an anti-scientific form of the failure of reason. And with that everything is dead, the Jewish God perished because of his laws, how can he now say: I am love and its expression of omnipotence.
37- I have no right to emotions, trust, distrust, reputation, my own opinion, values, religion, intuitions, relationship, love, society, dignity and reproduction and respect, never would a woman even consider seeking my company, because all the affects of society are against it, theGermans call this moral world schizophrenia. And the Germans mean nothing to me anymore, along with Switzerland and Austria, the French and the Italians; basically, the whole of Europe is a Christian monster that hunts the devil wherever the doctor finds him; Europe is the devil of psychiatry, more the devil of bourgeois witch-hunts. Christianity and the subsequent psychology of the Germans have invented a war of death against the spirit of schizophrenia, a hundred old demons, a hundred crooked lies, exaggerations, distortions and castrations in just one horror film. What is left is that every word I say is mute; all the values of European societies are mute. Germany is dead, there is no soul in it.
38- Of course the Jewish God is nonsense, he is ancient and never had any other purpose than to make the Jews themselves happy. But Christians and Islam, who try to be Jews but are not, cannot really imagine that there is a God who makes sense. Zarathustra, his terms mix light and knowledge, he is not a scientist, but he means what he means. And Ahriman, darkness, or rather, ignorance as a metaphor. Who is Satan, compared to that? Satan is Ahura Mazda but Yahweh is Ahriman. Or, how was it? An eternity ago the God of the Jews was still a metaphor for the world truth, but that is not of interest to Israel, nor is justice and priests. World truth is like philosophy, not like priesthoods. One is an unfree world, the other a free one. I think the Jews were once free spirits, for whom the truth behind all things was almighty and flowed into Judaism through knowledge, but then, then gods sometimes become old, abstract and crazy. Jesus wanted to cure this madness, but don't read the Bible. And of course he couldn't, because it was also full of untruths. But the truth is the only true God.
39- The modern Jesus is like Kurt Cobain, only with a Catholic church: Everyone goes to heaven, drugs until you die. Just pray to Jesus and everything will be great.
40- The pre-psychiatric world view. - Wouldn't an ego that lives in the ego be a pitiful, poor, suffering, miserable creature that is miserable because it has no body? How would an ego that has no body feel? That lives in dreams and sometimes sees through your eyes. I often think about what the Inquisition said about demons; it is frightening that they were partly involved in an analysis of psychosis. It is a pity that everything is blurred by coercion and lies and Christian nonsense. Psychiatry took away the context of madness from the Inquisition a long time ago. But aren't these hallucinations and psychoses like beings in the ego of the insane? Two worlds are reflected in them. The modern view and over five thousand years of human fairy tales about hallucinations and their appearance. Before the psychiatric view of things, all of humanity believed that hallucinations were beings outside the body. It was only with this view that people began to think about whether they were not actually located in the body and were solely caused by its genetic makeup or the current state of mind. And now we know that a tiny fluctuation in metabolism is enough, depending on which substance is fluctuating, for the mind to go crazy. A dose of LSD is so tiny that the body sometimes produces such substances that the dopamine alone is too high, which is terrible. ADHD means less dopamine, but schizophrenia is the opposite, all of the symptoms arise. It is not a lack of concentration due to a lack of dopamine, but the brain is flooded with neurotransmitters, all of the wrong and superfluous connections andit is typical that too much dopamine causes synesthesia, you hear the feelings, the thoughts, data is misdirected. Ego defects can arise, the hallucinations themselves are similar to small egos or ego motifs. They form scenes of many people commenting on the ego, simply the program of self-evaluation in the hearing. Things that no one should hear, all the garbage of the brain in the perception of sentences, everything becomes a dialogue, a polylogue. As a computer scientist, I do believe that the organs send each other data that the schizophrenic hears. And of course there is no Freudian lysis of the problem, the dopamine is there and causes permanent data synesthesia.
41- They say Jesus is God, they say perhaps more abstractly that truth, love or justice, the good is God. They say Buddha is God or it is supposed to be this abstraction of a desire or an impulse. But who can bring all of these things into one principle?
42- On the means of remaining sane: No religion and never unverifiable facts, to be on the safe side, only doubt everything, so that you don't believe anything. Nothingness doesn't drive you mad, no false data, unless you don't believe a fact to be true. They believe you can pray to Jesus, how could you come up with this superstition, but also the status of giving birth to such hope. A poor carpenter, with great ethics, of course he is dead like all people. But the truth must be made of ice, otherwise you won't remain sane. The Jewish God, Christianity and Islam are forms of madness, of nonsense mixed with incredibly important developments in the general ethics of humanity. But the infinitely often verified fact alone is aForm of eternal security. Natural science is truth, love is not omnipotence either, it is in fact a form of injustice, delusion and paranoia. Love only becomes reasonable through justice, but all legal systems are a form of unfreedom, of the obsession with control. It has to be the series of all values for it to be correct: truth, love, justice and freedom. And nobody believes in equality. That is basically an empty claim; if all people were equally rich, intelligent, beautiful and educated, then they would be egalitarian. Equality is an ideal that we will miss badly. I alone am of the same value and worth as my fellow human beings. I am an absurdity, an inhumane person - I do not exist on the scale of dignity.
43- Jesus says to love your enemies, but did he ever love the desert and its shadows?
44- Morals create opposites that are not so, and the negation is convincing to the point of comedy. Of course, many Jews become atheists, many do, everywhere. And atheists will often find new gods. A rough view of antiquity should remind us of places where pornographic frescoes and erotic statue after statue adorned everything lavishly, colorfully and richly. There is always a god, whether you take the opposite or not. Satan is the goy of early antiquity, every other people. A fear of other gods. Christianity copied the same behavior, for them all non-Christians were a view from which they were too strictly isolated. Again Islam, and everyone must be considered: knowledge robs us of paradise because it was an illusion, but we must create the true paradise through knowledge.
45- When the Christian finally forgot that he himself was a Jew.A red Jew, said the Christian in the Middle Ages, would be a servant of the Antichrist. And modern man must ask himself who Christianity was. Didn't it give rise to the error about the inequality of people? Wasn't the Christianity of the Middle Ages the poison that paralyzed Europe for a thousand years? For a thousand years Europe slept, lost in a senseless nightmare about the salvation of the soul.
46- It is supposedly the enemy of Christianity, what it fought against in Rome. Although Jesus was like Dionysus, he could turn water into wine. The New Testament is a tragedy, really as a stage play. The Dionysian as the anti-nihilistic; but what does the Dionysian mean to you in terms of the value of life? They are all like the Romans in their best times, at weekends they disappear into underground festivals. A fertility cult, they should just reproduce. Dionysus is born and torn apart again an infinite number of times. A worship of free human sexuality. How dangerous that is! And drugs as a god, bad guys run after you. Protests against the polis, so that the will to order, the Apollonian, does not take you prisoner. The theater of things, liberal, also perverse, jokes about people and sexuality and its greed and beauty. You sink into maenads, the domineering ladies. Prostitution as a sanctuary. And what else? Of course the Dionysian music, Heraclitus complained that it was so wild and loud, a real troublemaker, a drum roar. At the Dionysia it must have been everywhere. People talked about music that Dionysus sang about, namely intoxication, dance and sexuality, about a new style, breaking the calm playing of the instruments into something wild, cynical, silly and amusing. Anger was probably also the sound at times. Roaring singers. Some could claim that the hippies were the reappearance of theDionysian. The fact that they fucked a sheep at Woodstock is almost proof. But everywhere there was life, including Frederick the Great, things went on in a similar way. Perhaps more tastefully and cleverly, a little homosexually or sadistically, but it was all about great pleasure. It is not without reason that they say that Dionysus is the god to whom the gates to all treasure chambers open. Christianity has only reminded us of this thoroughly, with endless laments about hell: who knows what we are and what we will be. A festival that has no limits, afterwards they sacrifice people! And do they go to Elysium or Tartarus? Where they have to perform meaningless tasks an infinite number of times? They also say that Hades and Dionysus are one and the same person. So, thought Christianity, that must be Abaddon, maybe even Satan himself! Moreover, they saw the Roman pleasure of what they did to people in front of the crowd as their own pleasure. The deterrent, the Jura so rusty, not just as a deterrent but also as entertainment. The Christians and their martyrs, the stories about Nero. Everywhere on the lookout for the most anti-Christian. To claim that if that returns, then we must perish. And what else is Dionysian, in its purest form? Alexander the Great, for example. Apparently Dionysus was the first hero to appear in the theater, the first stage was his.
47- On the encryption of the pre-church world by the church. - "In general, the problem was experienced and lived out in the Jewish world, the modifications that Jesus wanted, for which he died, seemed somehow clumsily rejected, the habits remained, but called themselves Christian. Contact with all peoples, but always in hostility to the probably wilder customs, religions and the unbelievably cruel human sacrifices. Which somehowhomosexuality, polytheism, atheism and all such evil things. Just like science branded it as evil." "Human sacrifice is also good and right, well, Abraham, who is perhaps an invented person in whom one tries to create an identity, once had a hallucination that told him to kill his son, but then, when he wanted to do it, it warned him that it would not be good." "Absolutely reassuring, all psychiatrists breathe a sigh of relief as long as the voice personally dissuaded him from killing his son." He goes on to advise, afraid of oversimplifying it: "Yes, that was definitely the case, they despised Dionysus as the Antichrist par excellence and Cybele, who turned voluntary men into castrated priestesses, they insulted as the Whore of Babylon." "They always did that with everything and everyone." "Exactly, the heathens were Satan and all women in the world were whores to them, unless they were always chaste and faithful in a marriage." "For breeding, the breeding of the good Christian. As a Christian imagines Plato, the state as the good, man as a multitude whose births are controlled, no one should give birth without marriage and these marriages should be planned as befits their class and guild." "And these philosopher-kings, whom Plato wanted as kings, are the Christians as the philosophy of all things." "Of course, the truth, the light and the way to all heavens, although they apparently only wanted to send everything and everyone to hell." "All philosophy and science inferior to Christ, as illusions and pagan lies, as the devil's deceptions-" "But Christ their lie about a carpenter who was apparently influenced by the art of the Greeks and Romans, in the concept of the lyrical self. Who knows what festivals young people went to at that time. But, of course, Jesus was not only influenced by his culture of origin, the Jews. But, he loves his native religion, he loved it, he wanted to be the embodiment of its God? Or was he forced to do so? Or, did he want toCould he simply be a beautiful metaphor, like the god Prometheus? Or, any god of antiquity, gods, metaphors upon metaphors and analogies and parables everywhere. Why not a god whose gentleness is infinite, someone who wants to give the earth to the meek. A god who shares with all people, keeps peace with whores, and simply sees them as fellow human beings. A god who would rather die than use violence. That as an icon of the mass murderer that the church was. A blessing of the world as a religion, everyone will be satisfied and all tears comforted. The church clung to the carpenter's work of art, like a huntress to an effective doctrine of the soul, in order to get them all into politics. In order to subjugate them all, they will not obey the almighty God who will torture them forever. That's how they had to talk to the Romans, it was apparently necessary. Everywhere the message was to kill followers of foreign religions and to desecrate their image. Just like a real tyrant like Periander would do." "So, to gain power, you have to eliminate all opponents." "In the beginning, it may have been a plan of some sort, but by people who still knew about science."
48- The Good Thief. - What is the greater crime, burning the entire history of the Native Americans or still claiming today that one has something to do with Jesus of Nazareth in any way? I mean, if these churches think they are the teachings of Christ? Then a fish is also a pig that can fly. Then the sun is a little light that you just put in your pocket and steal. The little light on your deathbed, simply stolen.
49- Love your enemies. - The other is perhaps that everyoneMan is supposedly bad and evil if he is not like Jesus of Nazareth. Exactly, the infinitely defenseless and passive form of character. A Gandhi, that is possible with civilized Englishmen, but the Nazis would have simply shot Gandhi, the whole series of passive resistance. The lamb at the slaughterhouse, as the best animal a state could wish for? Never rebellious? Never skeptical, against violence of any kind. Violence is always wrong. Women feel safe, he is an animal of good morals. He is a person with whom one wants to breed in order to give humanity even more geniuses. Namely those who are of pure, good blood. Good souls, whole souls, whole people, not degenerate or falling outside the norm. Not poor, but still in a good middle-class job. Blessedness is his heaven, so the old people can still sigh: "If only we were finally dead. Life is hell, but death is paradise." Why is that? Why not a cheeky adventure. And before they think they are old, they are suddenly young again. And heaven is a terrible, constricting, highly developed culture in which every person will feel like a pre-human. They think that violence is the primacy, but God is always more cruel than all animals put together. No lion could be as disgusting as an army. But evolution, the violence of nature, the nature of a nature accumulating power, then God catches you again, turning mercifully infinitely often. You just have to crawl to him and say: "You are my God." How beautiful were Jewish words that wanted to show that nature is good and infinitely just. Is it? A Darwin teaches us God, just like Manchester capitalism; the best will survive.
50- Roman: Is it not surprising that a man could ever wield a sword in a war, kill a man, or even punish a man in the name of Jesus in order to enforce a law?to bring about an effect? Is it not surprising that Christianity became great through war? Well, they took Rome without any war and then, then Christianity became powerful. It became its opposite, a power of war and violent spread.
51- Buddha teaches us that if we do as little as possible and become incredibly good at it, then we will most likely reach nirvana. And if we never resist, never desire, never want and never defend ourselves, no matter what is done to us, then we will also go to heaven. Without an action, without any emotion, without any creation, without any consideration.
52- The soul of Europe. - The Europeans tried to use psychology to make up for what they lacked because they became Christians instead of loving science; they loved an infinitely peaceful good-for-nothing, an eye-catcher on the cross, a person like him who is murdered every day because he does not defend himself, cannot defend himself or will not offer any form of protection. They have murdered hundreds, thousands of men like Jesus, but nobody knows their name; because in truth they don't give a damn about it. But they will never make up for this deficit. On the contrary, they will never see it as nonsense, lacking objectivity and not meeting the demands of natural science. Things will turn out differently, as they do every century, they will go mad because of it.
53- You could tell them that the earth will now die because it killed Jesus, but what is the use? They never fought for Jesus, the martyrs in Rome were the last tofought for him in his own way. After that it was about capital, about deceiving the masses, about control and power.
54- What did Jesus do? He let himself be killed. His heaven was never on earth, except perhaps in the bubble of his environment, but he was to be alone in death. That is what Jesus did. He provided verses, the rest was done by others; one after the other more malicious, more cunning and more devious. But why do they establish a religion for him, but not Shakespeare or Goethe? Or did they do that, but it was hopeless?
55- Psychology as the educator of humanity: On the pedagogy of decline, of nihilism. Education cannot give the child an answer as to what the meaning of life, its order and its goal is; it teaches death in a vulgar way as eternal decay. No school of modern psychology offers a deeper justification of society, life and death; it is always nihilistic. The last similarity was the utilitarianism of the English; the Germans had similar structures, but they immediately declared them sick. Darwinism is nihilistic because it does not provide order; it is based on the chaos of dying and surviving. Behaviorism no longer provides answers to life; psychiatry is a rejection of any meaning in the world; psychoanalysis does not do that; cognitive science - in short, humanities, with no idea of what meaning is. It was not like that before; before that there was religion. A humanities that can no longer provide any meaning, not even one; Religion was the meaning of the world, that's how it was: The meaning of a Christian's life, Jesus Christ and the resurrection in heaven. But now. Everything is mentally ill, unless the doctor says so: How Johann Weyer not only puts the Inquisition in its place, but finally, medicineReligion has replaced it. Psychology, as a religion, was the hearth of all problems before modernity, the source of madness itself, and modern psychology is stolen biology mixed with ideology and medical affects. It is no longer even a whole world, like Judaism, Christianity or Buddhism. It is a state that has no sacred places, that arbitrarily says yes and no. Everyone means one thing and another, all things that can be twisted and talked away and devalued, all things that are even absurd. A form of motherliness clings to psychology that wants to possess, educate and punish people, that would rather lock them up than ever grant them happiness, freedom or even divinity. Psychology is fundamentally defective, it is based on the idea of the soul, its prehistory in the West is Judaism and Christianity, and incidentally the philosophies that never had an effect, in the East it would be Hinduism and Buddhism and other movements such as Taoism - in short, it is not a masterpiece of genius. Talking about the psyche is an ancient business. The sophist par excellence sometimes. And psychology as an educator? As a materialist and a science, it is of course always soulless, unless it writes poems. Soulless psychology, made of data, substances, organs and their physics, which forces move the engine, what flows or expands or contracts. And psychology always lies, it always lies for bureaucratic-ideological reasons. And as stupid as religions, psychology is a pessimist in life, it expresses nothing except that it is certain that they now know the truth of the sober world, since they have gotten rid of God. How can a negation of something create a true world? At most, a fiction has been deleted. The Christians made the same mistake, they got upset about paganism and science as stupid, but, well, that cannot make sense in the long run. And Islam is like that too, it thinks it is still a horse in the stable, the race for religions is not yet over.lost. The pages of the Koran have turned yellow, the beautiful metaphors have died and the law, the logic of the matter, has become sick, really sick, insane. Atheists and nihilists are clearly on the rise, people believe that religion, the meaning of the world, is nonsense, a form of delusion, stupidity born of weakness before death. Yes, I know, the Koran claims that religion is more than that. But please! At the moment, psychology has no interest in eternal souls, reincarnations or angels who collect the dead. It must first find itself. Take the material and the figures, like all the natural sciences, believing in the matter, finding reality, clear reality and reason. Philosophy around psychology only makes sense if you want to destroy, if you want to dismantle something, if you have to criticize, or if you start to turn the general forms of logic and mathematics, geometry, arithmetic against the mind and say: "There are psychological natural constants. There is a higher mathematics of biology, there is a mathematics that is foreign to us, which composes the mind, the world and all life."
56- The lower class is now, almost everywhere, completely nihilistic, but doesn't know it: They think, I just don't have a god, I don't trust anything anymore and all states and every form of politics is madness. But then they act like this: "That's my god, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Abraham or Marx. So my morality is the good. Hail the state that represents this morality."